Ronald Walker
Data 8? Click here! This website is still very much a work in progress! Scroll right to get started!
Hi! My name is Ronald Walker!
But most people call me Ronnie :)
I'm a Junior Econ student at UC Berkeley.
A quick summary of what I do:
On occasion, I walk around campus until 4am as a CSO for UCPD.
I'm the VP of Finance for the Sage Mentorship Project.
Last semester,I was a teacher's assistant for a data science connector course,where some of my students made this.If you want to work through some of the labs I wrote,look here.
This semester,I'll be working for Data 8,the introductory data science course at Cal.
I'll also be working on a text analysis module with the curriculum team of the Data Science Education Program.
Click here to check out some 'projects' that I've worked on
If you click on 'bag' in the start menu, you see some work that's still in progress, I've given up on,or is in some form of disarray.
Feel free to reach me at ronald.walker (at)
Data Data Data